The Surprising Truth About How Many Thoughts We Think In A Day

No wonder we get overwhelmed

Andy Murphy


Photo by Masha Raymers on Pexels

How many thoughts do you think we think in a day?

  • 5,000–10,000?
  • 10,000–20,000?
  • 20,000–30,000?

Or is it more?

Well, one study found that we think around 50,000 a day on average.

To be that in context there are only 86,400 seconds in a day so that means we think a thought about 2,100 times an hour or every one and a half seconds or so.

What’s even more impressive is that of those 50,000 thoughts, 98% of them are said to be the same thoughts we thought yesterday, meaning that just 2% of the thoughts that you and I think today will be new. Or to put it simply — that’s about 1 in 50.

I say if they’re right because another study performed at Cleveland Clinic reckons our daily thought count is even higher. Here are the poetic words they said themselves:

“Your brain is a three-pound universe that processes 70,000 thoughts each day using 100 billion neurons that connect at more than 500 trillion points through synapses that travel 300 miles/hour. The…

