The System to Reliably Capture Every Content Idea (Even the Most Elusive Ones)

Beat the fear of running out of ideas with the technique I relied on for years.

Alberto Cabas Vidani


Photo by Ian Parker on Unsplash

In the last 7 years, I’ve been working with aspiring content creators on my Italian site. One of their most common fears?

Running out of content ideas.

I’ve been creating content since 2010 and have the opposite problem: my Youtube videos ideas list is exploding.

Established creators don’t lack ideas. They need better, more original ideas.

They are painfully aware that the best ideas will come in the worst situations: under the shower, in the car (while driving), during the night…

Every creator needs to publish frequently. Having an endless stock of content ideas at the ready is mandatory.

Creators need a system to:

  • catch hot ideas,
  • quickly save them,
  • store them,
  • retrieve them when necessary.

I’ve been using such a system for years. Here’s how it works.

Paper is not enough



Alberto Cabas Vidani

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