The Terror Barrier

The line you stand between your fear and the grow to move forward

2 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

I still can remember of how does it feel to be like an incredible failure.

I don’t have anything to show for myself when I see my friends with a job, a purpose, or a lovely partner after graduating. Thinking that I’m not capable enough.

As it echoes in my mind, it gets me more and more paralyzed.

But one day, I find myself staring squarely at a fork in the road. Thinking that I don’t want to live like this.

This realization dawns on me.

The terror barrier

The things that have been holding me back for doing something in long time period is what they refer as a “terror barrier”.

It’s like the invisible line between what you know and what you don’t know. It’s the point you reach before deciding what you should do. It’s a valley you must traverse before attempting something radically different.

It’s the point where you decide whether to stay in your status quo or level up to a new one, nudging you to change your condition for the better.

Which has been restraining your path with fear and doubts mixed with identity crisis.

The unknown and unfamiliar

Seemingly the idea of doing better is likely doing something we don’t know, it’s unfamiliar and unknown. Afraid of opening ourselves up to hard work, failures, and heartbreak.

And I know, ultimately, this is the sources of what I’ve been avoiding that keep scares the crap out of me.

Deep within on the unconcously way, it just feels easier not to know, not to choose, and not to do. Pretending there was no choice for me to make and make the action was impossible.

The action

You already know what’s comes next. We have to choose our ultimate escape from this torture.

The choices is quite simple, wether stepping forward for growth and you will change, or staying to keep you safety in your own prison of old habits?

But you must remember, not making choices isn’t safe option either. At the end, you just delaying consequences until your thirties, forties, and beyond.

One good piece of capital is how you get to better by taking action onto the next level.

While there might be a certainty, heartbreak and hard work. But that’s okay, discomfort it’s not about being punished, but it all about growth.

Once you ready to take some action, understanding that you don’t need the big brave setting goals. Just start with baby step. Again, small action it’s still an effort.




One who still trying to figure life out and loves sharing the story of my everyday life.