The Timeless Wisdom of Tao Te Ching — Embrace the Mystery of Life

Verse 1 —The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao

Gary Buzzard


Man on bamboo raft in China.
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

If the government ordered me to make a bonfire and burn every book I own except for one — I’d keep Tao Ta Ching.

This 2,400-year-old book is new. It’s the classic manual on the art of living — suitable for a Chou Dynasty farmer or a Wall Street trader.

Tao Te Ching has been translated more than any book except the bible.

Traditionally attributed to Lao-tzu, a Chinese philosopher thought to have been a contemporary of Confucius, Tao Te Ching is the essential text of Taoism, one of the three great religions of ancient China: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.

A Book on Living in the Flow of Life

Lao-tzu’s central figure is a man or woman whose life is in perfect harmony with the way things are . . . The master has mastered nature; not in the sense of conquering it, but of becoming it. In surrendering to the Tao, in giving up all concepts, judgements, and desires, her mind has grown naturally compassionate . . . Until finally she is able to say, in all humility, “I am the Tao, the Truth, the Life.”
— Stephen Mitchell, Tao Te Ching, Foreward



Gary Buzzard

I write two times a week on meditation, mindfulness, and aging gracefully—on accepting life, not fighting it. You may email me at