The Title of This Story Has a “5” In It

A partial list of all the things on Medium that you aren’t the first to do

Timothy Key


“Bet you can’t do this!” Photo by Lauren Griffiths on Unsplash

I recently read two stories that were similar to one another. They both talked about the writer’s experience in a given time period writing on Medium.

They both also happened to have the same number of items or bullet points of attention. Both used the number in the title.

They were titled something along the lines of “I Did <this> on Medium and Here are <number> Ways You Can Do This Too.”

I know, this kind of story is a pretty common animal in these parts ain’t it? But it made me wonder, how can people write about such a small niche topic (their experience on Medium) without copying someone else’s ideas or even the particular method they share them (like having the same number in the title)?

Plagiarism and you

I don’t feel like plagiarism is actually very common on Medium.

However, sometimes either because of an algorithm, dumb luck, or a bit of both you get exposed to something that is relatively rare several times over in a short time period. Makes it seem like it is far more prevalent than it really is.



Timothy Key

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.