The Top 5 Reasons People Succeed in the Coding Industry

Getting success in the coding industry is not a piece of cake.

4 min readAug 22, 2021


Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

Coding is sexy. Isn’t it?

Because thousands of people want to become coders, yet they can’t succeed in it. They quit it soon after realizing how much time it takes to become a successful coder.

I also quit.

But my friends stayed and succeeded in the coding industry.

I quit because I lacked patience for it. I couldn’t afford to give enough time to it. And everything needs time to bear fruit.

Coding is highly lucrative, yet you need motivation and skills to succeed in it. Those who lack confidence and cannot wait longer to master their skills cannot succeed. Hence, it isn’t a job for quitters.

Successful coders have certain dominant qualities and reasons that make them successful. Here are the top five reasons people succeed in the coding industry.

Coders are curious

Many times when I have met with coders, I am astonished at how curious they are. They are a hell of curious people. They are using their brains faster than a machine, and this curiosity helps them thrive in their field.

In the coding industry, you will face problems and obstacles. You have to solve those problems and remove the obstacles to moving ahead. Otherwise, you will remain stuck.

When a programmer gets stuck, he runs his mind around like a speedy horse to discover where he went wrong. They question themselves as to why something is not working. This does not let them sleep until they have solved the problem.

Being curious helps them get to the right point as to where they might have gone wrong. They keep all the aspects of their program in mind and can easily find the solution to it.

Coders have the sharpest memories.

Coding is highly technical, and a minor mistake can render the whole program useless. Hence, coders need the sharpest memory. That’s why they are sharp and the brightest people in the world. They know how to track and keep a record of the complex paradigms in their mind and how to make them work.

Running languages like HTML, C, JavaScript, and C++ requires a good amount of brainpower. If you lack to be a keen observer and have the sharpest mind, you will face a very tough time ahead.

Coders develop a platform/Language Agnostic.

Language agnostic or developing a platform is a common term used in the coding industry. Since the late nineties, software developers have used it extensively, and it has been used on a wide scale in the software development world. It is also known as language-neutral.

The purpose of developing a platform or a language is to use it in cross-platform development. It enables you to deploy it on various platforms easily. It helps you avoid the headache of developing software from scratch since you implement two or more languages coupled with the core programming language to write a program.

Understanding the psychology of the users

They are user psychologists. They know what their users want. They are one step ahead of their users and provide those apps, programs, and software users are looking for. You need to fully understand your users as they aren’t experts and need applications and websites that are easy to use. The coders do that. They bring down the functionality of the apps and other things to a common level where a user can easily use them.

Coders are, in this regard, highly empathic people. They understand users and envision their problems beforehand. They are sightseers who know how a particular situation and time will need this app or software. They envision future problems and prepare for them in the present.

They stay positive and self-motivated.

You have to stay positive and self-motivated to get success in the coding industry. Staying in a coding career needs a high level of motivation, skills, and, most of all, independent thinking.

You have to be decisive and avoid oscillation. The more you stay focused and motivated, the higher you will go in the industry. It needs patience and love to code. Otherwise, you won’t take time to quit.

If you are self-motivated, it will give you the perseverance to stay in the industry. It’s a fact that you will face serious failures and ups and downs with time, but all you need to do is practice perseverance to stay tune in the industry. Only then will you see chances to succeed in it.

Wrapping it up

Coding is really a tough job. I have quit it. My friends are there in it, and I know how they felt during their initial days. I quit it because it demanded time that I couldn’t afford . My friends stayed despite all odds. Now they are reaping their rewards.

I have seen another thing being in the coding industry. When we were there together, I thought my friends wouldn’t make it. But meeting them after some years, I have found how much they have changed. Coding has polished their personalities. They are more creative than ever.

They stood against all odds; now, they are successful. I quit and left it behind. However, I secured other jobs which were full-time and provided me the opportunities to earn more. I don’t stay in places for a long time because of my relentless nature. I always look for a new opportunity — a better one. However still, I miss coding. I didn’t completely break up with coding, though.

If you want to succeed in the coding industry, you need to develop your platform, stay positive and self-motivated, and be curious to reach the problems and solve them. And all this requires plenty of time. Give time to succeed.

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