The Trick Is Working. I am Halfway There

Few of my hurdles are about to end

Sejal jain
2 min readNov 19, 2021


Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

Like everybody else, I have been struggling to get 100 followers. It’s not that my passion for writing has dried up or I’ve turned into some money-minded person who is only concentrating on the Medium partner program. Maybe, sometimes I think like that (pun intended).
I tried every damn thing to achieve my goal, read so many articles on “How to get a hundred followers” few writers might find it effortless. For me, it is a lot easier said than done.
I wrote articles daily on different platforms. Earlier, I used to write on WordPress to store my thoughts then my relatives advised me to come on Medium.
I was reluctant to switch until I realized that I could not have found a better platform than Medium, with so many opportunities and where I discovered my latent talent.
I started writing; Since the partner program limited many of us to only a few benefits which made me dwell on how fewer were my followers.
One night I read this article that said, start following, people will follow back, so I followed like a hundred people which was a task in itself as I Normally do not follow random people. The next day when I woke up, 17 of them followed me back.
I felt so good. This trick worked. Once I accomplish my goal of 100 followers, I will apply for the Medium partner program. Thankfully, I am halfway through and will soon achieve what I want.



Sejal jain

I'm a student , found interest in writing and want to explore more . I believe " write it when it comes "