The True Story Of My Husband’s Death

It only took 16 years for me to be able to talk about it.

Lori Brown, Writer


Image by Author using Midjourney A.I.

Foreword: This story is not only about the death of a husband but it is about the life that came to be in the afterglow of his exit. Rest in Peace Tom Sundin.

When I got married there was no way I was going to parade around in a virginal white fluffy gown.

The day Tommy and I finally tied the knot I was already seven months pregnant. Oops.

At a height of 5'1,'’ there was not much room for a whole baby so, the fatness of pregnancy was unavoidable.

My husband was flustered, but lovingly attentive during my pregnancy. He had been married before me, and never had the chance to be a Dad so he was over the moon to finally put a little person on the planet. I did not know it but this would be the greatest gift he had ever been given and not a moment too soon.

Newlyweds with a newly-born baby boy, we were a frantic and clumsy mess. But we were blessed with so much love.

I laugh now thinking of how Tommy’s big strong hands shook in fear as he changed our son's little clothes. It was baffling how such a tiny creature could rattle this tall, serious man who normally commanded the attention of any room he walked into.



Lori Brown, Writer

I'm a mom, a wife, and a playful storyteller. Voted Top Blockchain Voice on Linkedin, and voted Best Human Ever by my two dogs. #RuffLife.