The Truth of the Pandemic Impact on University Students in the UK

The toughest times for university students

Pax Axel
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2021


Photo by Yasmina H on Unsplash

Hi Friends.

Hello. This article will shed light on the struggle that we as students face. The world has been too busy to focus on businesses closing/re-opening vaccine production to where we students became “forgotten and hidden”. It is largely the impact that lockdown had on students all around the globe, specifically on the UK students.

This is because the UK is still under Lockdown and it has been for over 18 months, the same situation in March 2020 it is still the same now…

I am a University student myself, In London city, currently in my second undergraduate course of International Interprenership & Businesses.

Everyone’s lockdown experience was different. Students, middle-aged adults, and retired adults, which means its effect on personality will vary from person to person.

Being stuck at home unemployed and worrying about how you’ll support yourself or your family differs from doing your job remotely while quarantining and spending a “normal” life in lockdown conditions.

How much has the pandemic changes students?



Pax Axel

Entrepreneur Exploring Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Personal Development and Deep Thinking. Weekly Narrations, Articles and Book Reviews.