The Turmoil of Being Right or Socially Apt

A Tale of Emotions Since Time Immemorial…

Unheard But Loved (#Writer #Art #Life)
3 min readJun 4, 2023


Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Long time no see, eh? To be honest, this battle between believing what is morally right to me and what society thinks is correct has put me on edge. It has stopped me from putting what I believe in out here for these past few months. But today, somehow, I found the courage to write what I truly believe in after a really long time, and I hope it helps many like me going through a tough time.

Because believe me, it’s incredible if you win it, but most of all, it’s okay: to lose this battle because it doesn’t make you a coward. And it takes strength to admit it and learn.

Being someone who has been unheard and misunderstood but loved for so long, this battle has shattered me since I learned that I have the right to live how I want to. But honestly, that right is still a privilege for many like me. Even though we are repeatedly told that we can do what we want, we are constantly told what society wants or what we have to do to live in or be accepted by this society.

Let me ask you: is this okay? That we consistently need to battle to be who we are because society doesn’t accept our way of living? I have been fighting this: what seems like an endless battle for the past few months, and I have concluded:

It’s either your peace or society’s will. And most of the time, society wins because our family or friends are afraid of WWPL, i.e., What Will People Say, which causes trauma that generations fail to recognize.

But do we need to live with it? Unfortunately, we do till we are supposedly independent of such society, and that can be anytime in your life, a.k.a:

Maybe when you move out of your parent’s home

Maybe when you’re married

Maybe when you’re financially independent

Or maybe when you stop fearing how people will judge you.

Today, I admit that being judged has stopped me from pushing through this “prejudicial cage of Indian society,” I am still striving to get out. Yet this constant struggle has taken a lot out of me. I am here writing this so everyone can understand that sometimes it’s okay to stop fighting and surrender.

Because when you totally surrender is truly when God takes matters into his own hands. Though I still give my cage a rattle or two repeatedly, I have mostly surrendered. I don’t know what’s in store for me, but hopefully, it would be more precious than I have now. All I wish for today is freedom for all: to be who they want to be no matter what come may. I love you, and though this post today is inspirational or not, I hope it gave you something to think about.


Unheard But Loved ❤



Unheard But Loved (#Writer #Art #Life)

Being unheard today is as common as getting an ice-cream. I am amongst “those unheard” but somehow loved. I am here to bring “their” attention to “the love”.