The Two Positive Slaps in My Face

How my dearest friends shocked me, then it turned out to be the best pieces of advice

Radwa Roushdy


Image by Moshe Harosh from Pixabay

When I started my study at the university, she was one of the very first colleagues I met, she carried the same first name as me and we were alphabetically distributed into sections, so we became partners at the same section. We shared many things together and became best friends.

I felt very free with her, don’t think of words before saying it, and I loved that feeling of being myself and being totally accepted as well.

Then one day, she sent me a message, I read and started crying, not for anything except that I felt that the one whom I thought was totally understanding me wasn’t actually doing.

In her message, she told me to stop mocking people!! And that it wasn’t a good thing to do!

I was like, I want to do whatever I want in front of her and still be interpreted as good intentions, as I didn’t feel I’m doing something wrong!

Now when I think of it, I’ve realized that maybe my raising up used to consider kinds of mocking things said by people in front of them, for instance, is just kidding and a sense of humor!

And after I had shown her then some upset because of the feeling of not being…

