In a world where righteousness is weaponized, let’s reclaim humility, empathy, and true moral integrity

The Tyrannies of Righteousness

How Moral Certainty Became a Tool for Tyranny and Modern Virtue Signaling

Waleed Mahmud Tariq
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Oh, yes; Righteousness! The noble aspiration to moral and virtuous behavior that’s notorious for taking suspicious turns down the dark alleys of history. What usually begins as the guiding star for individuals seeking a just life has frequently been manipulated by tyrannical ideas to justify their actions, no matter the consequences.

Let us talk about the layers of this sanctimony and expose the absurdities within the tyrannies of righteousness.

The Cult of Perfection

Once upon a time, striving for righteousness meant endeavoring to lead a ‘good life’, characterized by humility and a recognition of one’s own fallibility. Now, it appears we are ensnared in a cult of perfection, where righteousness is no longer a humble pursuit but a competitive sport. Social media, the colosseum of virtue signaling, has become the battleground where righteousness is flaunted like a gaudy trophy. Here, people are not simply content with being good; they must be seen as being good, and better than their…



Waleed Mahmud Tariq

A creative nonfiction author of transformative philosophical ideas, exploring moral and political depths through an interdisciplinary lens.