The U.S. is an Oligarchy

Democracy in the U.S. is no more, the land of liberty & freedom is dead




Democracy is a fragile thing and is something which can be manipulated with great ease and within the U.S. this is exactly what has happened.

Democracy has been rigged in favour of wealthy elites, leaving elected officials accepting the bidding of major lobbying groups and working in their interests rather than the publics. For example, “The largest five stock market listed oil and gas companies spend nearly $200m (£153m) a year lobbying to delay, control or block policies to tackle climate change” according to the Guardian (Laville, The Guardian, 2019). Then guess what happens? “the Trump administration has dismantled most of the major climate and environmental policies” with Trump referring to the rules too burdensome to the fossil fuel industry (Popovich, et al, The New York Times, 2019) despite the fact that, “Two-thirds of U.S. adults say the federal government is doing too little to reduce the effects of global climate change.” (Funk & Kennedy, Pew Research Center, 2020). The government’s actions go directly against public interests and benefit the wealthy.

The influence of lobbying in the U.S. has seen an obscene amount of money being spent, which according to OpenSecrets in 2019 reached a total of $3.51 billion. All in…

