The Ultimate “100 Books To Read Before You Die List”

Compiled from 50 sites and over 6,000 references

Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez


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I’m an avid reader, and as many of my articles corroborate, I’m constantly looking for the next book to read. From Forbes’ wealthiest men’s recommendations to what the Dalai Lama reads.

The other day, I ran across an article by Joel Patrick titled “100 Books to Read Before You Die: Creating the Ultimate List.” Comparing eight lists from different sites, where he gathered a total of 520 books and searched for repeating titles among them.

I thought, could 520 mentions create the ultimate list? Why not 1,000, 2,000, or even better, a 5,000 books list?

Remembering Isaac Newton’s famous statement: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” I decided to use his 520 books as the start and search the internet for other 100 books lists

Table of Contents

· Where did my list come from?
· Here are the sources:
· Creating the List
· And the winners are…
· Summary

Where did my list come from?



Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

Industrial Designer & Communication Coach. Dyslexia, History, & Trivia Writer. Father/Pet Lover — Top 1000 Writer, also on #Books, #Movies, #Reading & #Writing