The ultimate guide for weight loss and the harsh truths surrounding it

Michelle Solace
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2022

How many diets have you tried but didn’t stick to and finished without recognizable changes? How many articles have you read that promised some quick tips for weight loss? I want to present to you all the causes contributing to weight gain and the harsh reality of how much discipline and hard work you will need to lose it. But, I promise, if you stick to it, you will be amazed.

Photo by Pickled Stardust on Unsplash

Health check

The most unrecognized problem with weight gain is underlining health conditions. Here comes into play hormones, especially thyroid hormone imbalance, which is usually misdiagnosed. If there is too low thyroid hormone, the organism slows down, including metabolism. Diabetes is self-explanatory.

Another example could be that your adrenal gland hormone cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, is going through the roof. We all can understand that stress related to work, studies or other responsibilities cannot be avoided, however, what we can change is our response to it. Try meditation before work, which could take as little as 5 or 10 min, do exercise after work, that could be a short guided yoga video on youtube, or go for a walk in the park if you think that you are too tired. Talk to your loved ones about what is stressing you out, and vent if you need to. Prepare dinner together, and try to engage in light conversations, no politics, no work-related stories, just happy memories, future aspirations, ridiculous stories, and hobbies. Mental health struggles can also cause weight gain, that only could be explained in another article alone.


We all are different, and unique in our own way. As cliche as it sounds, that is true. If you aspire to look like a model without putting yourself in her shoes, you will miss the point. It is personal trainers and dietitians, hours in the gym, healthy and restrictive eating, other specialists, and genetics. It is her job to look like that, not yours.

Try to think differently, why do you need your body? Is it just for the looks? Or do you want to be strong and active, even after many years be able to do certain tasks and exercises, and live longer? Is it not enough to be healthy? Think about that, is there a need to change something? Don’t be too strict with yourself, enjoy life.

Eat less but get all the nutrients

Weight loss and weight gain are all about calories. How many you take in and how many do you burn? This part is about diet and, honestly, it will not be that easy, if you are used to an American diet, burgers, ice creams, and pancakes with chocolate. The solution is the same. Try eating more vegetables and fruits with all meals, have healthier options for snacks, eat more protein, and reduce carb intake.

It’s hard work with slow results. It is very tempting to give up if you’re only motivation is to lose weight. Try to find another reason for you to continue, whether it is to feel better, be healthier, or prepare for a big race. Find a friend that would keep you company in this lifestyle change.

Exercise more but don’t strip yourself

Different types of exercise can target endurance, strength, balance, or flexibility. I would suggest incorporating all of them.

Endurance or aerobic training is a simple movement for an extended period. By focusing on cardiovascular, muscular, and respiratory endurance, you can burn more calories, build better stamina and boost your longevity. For example, walking, hiking, jogging, swimming, and so on.

Strength training, whether it is with weights or only your body weight, focuses on body toning, muscle gain, and increasing overall muscular strength. For instance, lift weights, use resistance bands, weight machines, or do body weight exercises like crunches, push-ups, squats, and so on.

Flexibility training is mainly stretching. The main focus is to prevent injuries, reduce muscle soreness, improve posture and balance, slow down joint deterioration and increase range of motion. Plenty of benefits not only for physical capabilities but also for longevity. Incorporate mindfulness, meditation, and balance, and you’re doing yoga practice.

So, here are my tips. Choose endurance training that you like, do some strength training at home or in the gym, and start yoga or just light stretching.

Exercise benefits are infinite, your body, mental health, and future will thank you. Just start. And don’t feel guilty, if you miss one or two days or weeks, you can always go back, try group training or bring a friend together.


It is hard. By changing your whole lifestyle, you’re disrupting the everyday tasks that you are used to. One will need a will to start and continue this journey. But there are many people just like you, changing something, trying to improve life, be healthier, reaching full potential. Reach out, and communicate, we all need each other for support.

