The Ultimate Guide to Performance Reviews: 16 Articles, 4 Decades & a Freebie

Never dread doing Performance Reviews again!

Wendy Scott


Photo from authors Canva account

Performance Reviews are notoriously unpopular with leaders and team members, but they remain helpful if used properly.

If you ever wonder how to write Performance Reviews for your team, how to set SMART goals, or how to rate Performance Review goals at the end of the year, I can help you.

I’ve spent four decades as a leader and an HR/Learning and Development Professional. For many of those years, I managed Performance Review processes for various employers in the UK and NZ.

The following articles cover many of the struggles, questions, and frustrations you have around Performance Reviews. And yes, there are 16 of them, sorry. It’s a big topic. If I’ve missed anything (other than the mid-year reviews, which I’ve yet to cover), please let me know.

The articles are arranged as follows:

For leaders:

  • Goal Setting Performance Reviews
  • End-of-Year Performance Reviews
  • Designing the Performance Review Process

And a couple of articles for individuals at the end.

If you’d like a FREE SMART Goal…



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.