The Ultimate Guide to Self-Discovery and Personal Transformation

Dylan Oh
Published in
8 min readNov 18, 2023
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

I felt frustrated about what I really wanted in life 3 years ago.

Well, not just me.

Many people struggle with finding their true selves and living authentically. They feel stuck in a rut, unhappy with the current situation, or unsure about which way to go in the future.

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But you don’t have to settle for a life that doesn’t reflect who you really are. You can define your own meaningful life by slowly discovering your authentic self and transforming your personal and professional goals.

In this article, I share a simple and effective way to start your self-discovery journey and achieve personal growth. By following this guide, you will be able to:

  • Break free from limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that hold you back from being your true self
  • Create and pursue your personal vision and goals that align with your values and purpose
  • Enjoy a more fulfilling and satisfying life that is true to yourself

Why do we need to do self-discovery?

Self-discovery is exploring and understanding your inner thoughts, needs, and values.

It will help you to gain a deeper and clearer insight into who you are, what you want, and why you do what you do. From the day that you start taking self-discovery into practice, you can be yourself more. When frustrating things happen, it helps you to overcome the pressure and expectations of society, family, or friends, and to live according to your own standards and values.

Most importantly, it helps you accept who you are, instead of denying your inner thoughts.

How to start doing self-discovery?

Overcoming your frustration step by step starting today.

There are many ways to do self-discovery, such as reading books, taking courses, answering quizzes, meditation, journaling, etc. However, one of the most effective and simple ways to start your self-discovery journey is to schedule a discovery session with yourself.

A discovery session is a dedicated time and space for you to focus on only yourself. It is a chance for you to ask yourself some powerful and meaningful questions, and to listen to your inner voice and intuition. It is an opportunity for you to reflect on your past, present, and future, and to plan your actions and steps.

This might sound really weird at first, but you will enjoy it as everyone has to talk to their inner soul in life.

Photo by Tom Rogerson on Unsplash

To schedule a discovery session with yourself, you will need:

1. One hour (I would suggest at least half an hour) of uninterrupted time

Choose a time when you are free from distractions and obligations, and when you are feeling relaxed and calm. You can do this in the morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on your preference and availability.

2. A notebook and a pen

I really recommend using a physical notebook, as writing down your answers will help you process your thoughts and feelings better. You can also use a digital device, such as a laptop or a tablet if you prefer, but make sure to turn off any notifications or alerts that might interrupt you.

3. A set of questions to ask yourself

These are the questions that will guide you through your self-discovery session. Use the questions below (in the next section), or you can create your own questions, or you can mix and match. The important thing is to choose the questions that resonate with you and that will help you uncover your true self and your desired life.

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself during your discovery session:

1. What would my ideal day be like?

This question helps you to imagine and visualize your ideal day, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. It helps you to think about what you would like to do, where you would like to be, who you would like to be with, and how you would like to feel.

Be as detailed and specific as possible, and write down everything that comes to your mind. For example, you can write:

  • Where will you be living in? Is it the same country as you are living in right now? Or will you be in Bali, living in a digital nomad village (just an example)?
  • What time would you like to wake up?
  • What would be your ideal morning routine? Will you meditate, exercise, read, or do something else?
  • What will you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Will you cook, order, or eat out?
  • What will you do for work? Will you be self-employed at home, or going to the office to enjoy the fun interactions with your colleagues? What kind of projects or tasks will you work on? How many hours will you work?
  • What will you do for fun? Will you watch a movie, play a game, read a book, or do something else? Will you do it alone, or with someone else?
  • What will you do for learning? Will you take a course, listen to a podcast, watch a TED talk, or do something else? What topic or skill will you learn?
  • What will you do for relaxation? Will you take a nap, do yoga, get a massage, or do something else? How long will you relax?
  • What will you do for socializing? Will you call a friend, meet a family member, join a club, or do something else? Who will you socialize with? What will you talk about?
  • What will you do for gratitude? Will you write a journal, say a prayer, make a donation or do something else? What will you be grateful for
  • What will you do for self-care? Will you take a bath, do a skincare routine, light a candle, or do something else? How will you pamper yourself?
  • What will you do before going to bed? Will you meditate, read, listen to music, or do something else? How will you wind down?
  • How will you feel throughout the day? Will you feel happy, excited, peaceful, or something else? What will make you feel that way?

Planning out your ideal day will help you think about what is important and meaningful for you. It will also help you to identify the gaps and differences between your ideal day and your current day and to see what changes you need to make to live your ideal day.

2. If I choose to make a change now and work on what I like, what would my life be like in 5 years? What is the best and the worst case?

This question helps you to project and anticipate your future life, based on the decision to make a change and pursue what you like. It helps you to think about the possible outcomes and consequences of your choice, both positive and negative.

Write down the best and the worst case scenarios of your future life in 5 years, if you choose to make a change now and work on what you like.

For example:

  • Best case: I will be living in my dream country, working on my passion project, earning a good income, having a loving partner, enjoying a healthy lifestyle, and feeling fulfilled and happy.
  • Worst case: I will be struggling to survive in a foreign country, working on a failed project, losing money, having no partner, suffering from stress and illness, and feeling miserable and hopeless.

This question will help you to weigh the pros and cons of your decision and to evaluate the risks and rewards of your choice. It will also help you to prepare for the best and the worst, and to cope with the uncertainty and change.

3. If I choose not to make a change and continue my current life, what would my life be like in 5 years? What are the best and worst-case scenarios?

This will help you to project and anticipate your future life in the other way of the previous question, based on the decision to not make a change and continue your current life.

Write down the best and worst-case scenarios of your future life in 5 years, if you choose not to make a change and continue your current life. For example, you can write:

  • Best case: I will have a stable and secure income, a familiar and comfortable environment, a loyal and supportive partner, a routine and predictable lifestyle, and a low and manageable stress level.
  • Worst case: I will have a boring and unfulfilling job, a stagnant and limited growth, a dull and monotonous life, a lack of passion and excitement, and a high and increasing dissatisfaction level.

This question will help you to evaluate the benefits and costs of your choice. It will also help you to appreciate what you have and what you don’t have, and to deal with the regret and complacency.

4. If money isn’t a concern now, what would you like to do?

This question helps you to explore and expand your possibilities and opportunities, without worrying about financial constraints or limitations. It helps you to think about what you would love to do, regardless of the practical or realistic factors. It helps you to discover your true passions and interests, and to pursue them without fear or hesitation.

Write down what you would like to do if money isn’t a concern now. For example:

  • I would like to travel around the world and visit different countries and cultures.
  • I would like to start my own business and create something that I’m proud of and passionate about.
  • I would like to learn new skills and hobbies, such as playing an instrument, speaking a foreign language, or painting a masterpiece.
  • I would like to donate to a cause that I care about and make a positive impact on the world.
  • I want to spend more time with my family and friends and create memorable experiences with them.

After you have written down those, ask another follow-up question: do I really need a lot of money to do this? Or, is it possible that I can start spending my time with the kids from now on (since this is what you really want regardless of financial situation)?

By asking yourself some powerful and meaningful questions, you can uncover your authentic self and your desired life.

I hope this article has inspired and motivated you to embark on your self-discovery journey and achieve personal transformation. Remember, you are the only one who can define your own meaningful life, and you have the power and potential to make it happen.

If you would like to share your self-discovery journey with me, feel free to email me at! I would like to hear from you soon.

You can also follow me on Medium and Linkedin as I will be sharing more tips in life and career. Cheers!

