The Ultimate Guide to SEO Strategy to Increase Your Organic Traffic ( Step By Step)

“SEO Isn’t About Gaming the System Anymore; It’s About Learning How to Play by the Rules.” — Jordan Teicher

Arsalan Haroon
11 min readJul 22, 2021


Doing seo without knowing, your seo strategy will be like driving a car without knowing where you want to go.

SEO strategy is crucial to increase your organic traffic. If you take action on each step that I discuss in this ultimate guide to seo strategy.

Then you can get thousands of traffic but remember you have to take action on each step and do them step by step on your website. It can increase your organic traffic significantly.

Seo strategy has different steps that can help you increase your organic traffic and, knowing what and when you have to do each step is crucial to your seo strategy.

So before we go into each step of seo strategy. First, you have to know your seo goals.

What are your seo goals?

Seo goals are the primary goal you want to achieve through your seo. Did you want more sales for your product or more traffic to your blog site?

You have to know what you want to achieve with seo before starting your seo strategy.

So write down on paper your seo goals so you can have a better understanding of what you want to achieve with seo.


Let’s dive deeper into this ultimate guide to seo strategy and break down each step of seo strategy that can increase your organic traffic.

Find a Primary keyword

Every seo strategy starts with finding the right primary keyword that you want to target for your site.

Finding the right primary keyword is the first and most essential step of the seo strategy.

Because if you don’t choose a keyword correctly, you don’t have a chance of ranking on that keyword.

Then no matter what advanced seo strategy you use, you will not rank because you don’t target the right primary keyword.

Now you know that the primary keyword is important and choosing the right primary keyword for your site is crucial.

But how do you know that a keyword is good for you?

When choosing your primary keyword, look at three things in a keyword. If your keyword has these three things, then you should consider a keyword as your primary keyword. So what are these three things?

Low seo difficulty: it means that not much competition and popular sites are ranking on that keyword. That is why it has low seo difficulty. This keyword can help you rank easily on google because they have low seo difficulty.

High CPC: CPC is a cost per click, It means how much someone is paying to google per click for ranking on that keyword.

The higher the CPC then, the higher the chance that that keyword is more valuable. That’s why people are paying more cost per click.

High volume: it means how many people are searching for this keyword. It is crucial to know because if you target a keyword that does not have any Volume.

It means no one is searching for that keyword. Then it’s no surprise that you can’t get traffic even if you rank on that keyword.

When you do keyword research, you often don’t find these three things in short-tail keywords with 1 or 2 words in a keyword.

Instead, you find these three things in a long tail keyword that has three or more words. Because they are specific keywords.

If you target this specific keyword, then you more likely convert the traffic into customers. Because you know what their problems are through their long-tail keyword.

On the other side, the short tail keyword can sometimes give more traffic. But it doesn’t mean that traffic will convert into customers.

Because you dont exactly know what they are looking for. If people search only for iPhone 11, you don’t know if they want to buy an iPhone 11 or see a review.

So it doesn’t give you a full answer about what people want to know.

But long-tail keywords can be helpful because if someone will type iPhone 11 review. Then you know that people want to know about reviews.

So you can write a review and target this primary keyword. Because that’s what the audience is looking for.

Always Target a long tail keyword, so you know what the audience is looking for in google and provide them exactly that.

Search that primary keyword on google and Analyze Google first page

Most people make the mistake that when they find their primary keyword, they instantly write content.

But before creating content, The essential thing you need to do is search that primary keyword on google and see what content is ranking on page one.

For example, if you see in an image below that if I type marketing tips. Then most titles are list titles, not a how-to title on the content.

Seo strategy
The screenshot was taken by the author

It means Google is ranking list type of content on this keyword. So it is crucial to create the list type content on that keyword because this type of content is ranking on the first page.

So make sure before you create content on your site. First, type your primary keyword on google. Then see what type of content is ranking on the first page. Is it how-to or list content?

Create the type of content which is already google rank on top pages. For example, if most sites are creating how-to content on a particular keyword.

Then if you want to target that keyword, make sure you also create how-to content because Google is ranking how-to content for that keyword.

You also need to read the content which others are providing on that primary keyword.

So you know what they are providing and when you read their content. Then you have to create more valuable content than others sites already created. Create something unique which can help the audience effectively.

This will increase your chances of ranking on that keyword. Because you are providing more valuable content than previously available.

Therefore always make content more valuable than available on other sites.

Don’t forget to put the primary keyword in your title, meta description, and alt image text

I know everyone puts their keyword in their title. But still, most people forget that.

The crucial thing to do is make sure you don’t think that it’s basic SEO, So it doesn’t matter much.

Always put your primary keyword in your title, meta description, and alt image text. Because these things will help google know your target keyword.

Put your primary keyword early and in the last section of your content

Most people only put their keywords in their title, meta description, and alt image text.

But they don’t know that putting your primary keyword early and in the last section of your content can increase your chances of ranking on that google.

Because when you put these keywords early and in the last section of your content. Then google algorithm will see your content from start to finish.

They will recognize that you put the same target keyword in an earlier section of your content and the last section of the content. Which can help google algorithm to know your target keyword.

But don’t put the primary keyword somewhere where it does not look normal to your audience.

You have to make sure your keywords look normal when you put them early and in the last section of your content.

Because this can disappoint your audience. They will think that you create content for rankings, not for helping them.

Include your primary keyword early and in the last section.

Don’t forget to include this in your seo strategy.

Internal linking

Internal linking is the process of linking other pages on your site. Most people do a lot of internal linking. which doesn’t give them any results.

Because they link to things that do not provide any value to the audience. For example, if you have a blog about technology, it doesn’t make sense to link to your blog about cooking.

Because they are two separate fields and your audience isn’t interested in cooking, they want to know about technology, not about cooking.

If you create content on technology and, you link to a post about artificial intelligence. Then it makes sense.

Because they are related to each other, which can help your audience. Because people are interested in these topics and, it also increases your organic traffic.

Always link to those things which are relevant to the topic that you are covering. It can increase your organic traffic and, the audience will also like it.

Because they have more valuable content related to their interest. Internal linking is an effective strategy to include in your seo strategy.

Don’t give 10 or 15 internal links on one page. 2 to 4 internal links are enough for internal linking.

Use graphics for a difficult concept

If you are explaining a concept that is difficult to understand through writing. Then consider adding some graphics into your content so the audience can understand this difficult concept more simply.

Humans get the difficult concept. Easily, if they see visual images. It can help your audience, which means they will more likely come back to you Because you explain the difficult concept simply through graphics.

Improve User Experience

Most site owners don’t know that, no matter how much valuable content you have on your site or how good you do SEO.

It won’t work if you have a terrible website design that does not give the best user experience to the audience.

Because if you see any site on top pages, they all have effective website design because it makes a big difference in seo.

Make sure you have a website design, that can provide the best user experience to the audience.

This is one of the most underrated things in seo strategy Because site owners don’t know it.

But you have to know that your website design indirectly can increase your organic traffic.

Because if you have a good website design, then google knows that you care about the audience which will come to your site, and if you provide the best user experience than your competitors, Then It’s more likely that Google will rank you on top.

Build backlinks

When other sites link to your site, it is called backlinks. Backlinks are still the most valuable ranking factor in the Google algorithm.

But many people don’t want to do this because this is the hard part of seo. You have to reach out to other people to link to you and give thousands of emails to other site owners.

Most people don’t want to do this, But if you are serious about increasing your website traffic.

You have to build backlinks, It indicates to Google that other sites give a link to your site, Because they trust your site, then Google will also trust your website.

The higher the domain authority of a website that links to you, the more likely Google will trust your site.

Because google trust these high domain authority site. If these sites give a link to your site. Then it means google will also trust your site.

It is more valuable to have one quality backlink on your website, rather than just 10 backlinks that didn’t have any high domain authority.

In backlinks, the quality of backlinks is more important than quantity.

You have to create backlinks through sites that exist in your industry. For example, if you have a fitness blog, you have to create backlinks through sites. That is writing about this topic and has high domain authority.

Always create backlinks through the sites, which are related to your industry.

Sometimes when other websites link to you, it doesn’t provide you value in your site. WHY?

If they give you a no-follow backlink, these backlinks don’t provide value to the site. So make sure you don’t get these types of backlinks.

Do-Follow backlinks are the ones that give value to your site. It indicates to Google that you have a valuable website.

So they increase your domain authority which can increase your ranking and traffic on google.

You have to get do-follow backlinks through others sites if you want to increase your ranking and traffic.

But wait, how can you get backlinks?

Well, there are many ways you can get backlinks, but some of the most effective ways to build backlinks are:

Broken backlinks

When you find content on other sites related to your industry and find broken backlinks on that content.

If you contact the site owners and tell them that they have a broken link in their content, and you ask them to replace the broken link with your content link.

It can help both sites to increase traffic on google. because other sites will be happy and might provide you backlinks because you help them find broken links, which decreases their traffic.

You also get the backlinks for your site, which increases your traffic as well. it’s a win-win situation for both site owners.

You have to do a lot of work to find broken backlinks, but it’s worth it.

Guest posting

It is the process of writing content on other sites and giving a backlink to your site.

You can send emails to some of the most popular sites in your industry about if they accept guest posting and if they do. Then consider writing a guest post for their site and give a backlink to your site.

It can also take hard work to create backlinks, you have to write more for other sites if you want more backlinks.

But you have to do this hard part of seo to increase your organic traffic.

Bonus: Make your website load fast

If you do all the steps in seo strategy, but you don’t take action on this one. Then you might get traffic.

But your audience will never back to you and, google will not give you more ranking.

Because in today’s world, if your site is taking 10 seconds to load, then you should solve this problem because it can ruin all your seo.

People have so many options today to choose from, you have to give the information fast.

Because people don’t want to wait for 10 seconds for your site, they want instant results and, you have to provide them by making your site load fast and, it’s also a ranking in the Google algorithm.

Because Google knows that people always like a site that loads fast. So that is why they only put websites on top in ranking, which loads fast.

How do you know your site is loading fast?

Go to google page speed insights and type your website URL. It can give you results about how your website loading on mobile and desktop.

If it’s not loading fast, it also gives you solutions to make your website load fast.

Another way to make your website load fast is to compress your image size on the website without compromising quality.

You can use Tinypng or other tools to do that.

If you are on WordPress, WP Rocket and WP Smush can make your website load fast.


If you follow each actionable step in this seo strategy, you can increase your organic traffic.

The more you help your audience and give the best experience with your website, the more likely Google will trust your site.

Google likes a website on a top-ranking page Which solves audience problems efficiently than any other site.

Ask yourself how you can solve your audience problem more effectively than any other site?

Today It’s Not About ‘Get the Traffic’ — It’s About ‘Get the Targeted and Relevant Traffic.” — Adam Audette

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