The Undo Button

Many decisions in life have an undo button. It can be liberating.

Manu Chatterjee


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Many years ago I was buying a new printer. I went to the local tech store and found the printer aisle. So many choices. Which one to choose? Better color? longer ink? cheaper? How to choose? I decided this needed some research — after all, a good printer was a critical tool in my business, and my old printer had lasted 8 years! I went home to do a little more research and that’s when it really hit me.

Most decisions in life can actually be undone.

Suddenly whole mindset changed. Bad printer choice? Return it. The train of thought extended quickly to other choices too. Bad customer service? Shop somewhere else. And don’t get me started with the small stuff like what to wear in the morning or dinner choices. Those you can undo easily, or as the old adage goes. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

But what about costly items? Like a car?

Yup. Those can all be undone too. It just takes a little letting go. That car? Well, it can be sold or traded in for a different one. Sure it might cost money, but it’s not forever. Trading a car in for another does cost money, but at least there’s a new crack at satisfaction with the replacement. Even if it is a used car.



Manu Chatterjee

Engineer and Father of two. Passionate about, science, music, short stories, and little things that make life interesting.