The Unexpected Benefits of Overcoming Challenges

How Hard Work Makes You Stronger

Next-Gen Leaders
3 min readMay 11, 2024



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Hardworking people often seem untouchable to us. They seem like nothing can move and disturb them during their quests. As if they had a natural talent to forget and distance themselves from distractions. But very often it’s not like that.

These people have questions and doubts about themselves. They are not sure whether this goal they’re pursuing is worth anything at all. They could just have fun like everybody else.

However, as much as it could seem hard to believe, hard work always pays off. Maybe the goal you’re pursuing won’t be achieved but one thing is certain — you will become better.

In fact, hard work makes people stronger in many ways. In this article, I will argue that hard work makes us stronger in three ways:

  • It builds resilience
  • It improves the person’s skillset
  • It builds confidence and self-esteem

For all of you out there that doubted the benefits of hard work, stay until the end of the article and find out how you can become stronger by doing it.

#1 Buidling Resilience

Hard work, as the name itself says, is hard. And there is something crucial about that — getting out of the comfort zone and facing challenges. Even when a person faces a huge setback or a frustration, coming back from it through hard work is beneficial.

To pursue the argument further, I’ll use the term neuroplasticity developed in psychology. This term explains how different life events and changes foster growth of our brains. Science showed that our brains continue to grow even after childhood.

Having that in mind, hard work builds resilience also by connecting the bonds in our brains that didn’t exist before. Moreover, it helps us be prepared for future challenges that may seem unimaginable from the current position.

#2 Improving Skillset

Graph created by the author.

As discussed in the beginning, hard work certainly makes one thing better — you. The old Latin saying says “Repetitio est mater studiorum” which means that repetition is the mother of studying.

Hardworking individuals are more likely to reach those hours of repetition because of their consistency. Furthermore, the future of work lies in skills and not degrees according to World Economic Forum. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that degrees are a great way of improving skills and connections. They just need to be accompanied by consistent, hard work.

Ultimately, skills are the essential part of success, and no skillset is developed without hard work. There are no shortcuts indeed, it’s the only way.

#3 Confidence and Self-Esteem

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

The last benefit of hard work we will be discussing relates to confidence and self-esteem. Let’s first start with confidence. Confidence can be understood as a conviction that one can meet life’s challenges and succeed.

As with hard work both neuroplasticity and one’s skillset are growing, confidence is more likely to grow. Through their ups and downs, hardworking people get to know themselves much better and know their worth.

Ultimately, hard work improves self-esteem. By acknowledging the amount of work a person is doing, the person starts to respect his or her own self and time.

Concluding Remarks

Winning is hard to do, said Scottie Pippen once. And indeed, every hardworking person knows that they have reached the point of questioning everything. This article discussed three benefits of hard work for everyone that forgets its benefits.

Benefits are following:

  • It builds resilience
  • It improves the person’s skillset
  • It builds confidence and self-esteem

Thank you so much for reading! ✅

What are your thoughts on hard work? Do you enjoy it or you doubt yourself often?



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