Swetha Gopinath
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2023


The Universe, it sure is a big thing

This being my first write-up, I thought that maybe I’ll start with the most random thought I’ve ever had.


People always say and I, myself had thought of it as a good point up until now that, “Think about the universe. It’s so vast and compared to it we humans on earth are like nothing. Compared to the universe our existence, our lives, our experiences and problems seem so small. So, don’t think of your problems as that big and let it go. Take it easy”.

As positive and cheering it may sound, I thought of this in another way only after one friend of mine said the same to me recently. Yes, the universe is so big that whatever life that exists on earth, whatever type of lives we have here, whatever advancements we had made on this planet regarding almost all the fields one could think of, whatever problems we face and everything appear insignificant. But this thought crossed my mind that the whole universe doesn’t have anything like living beings (considering there aren’t any aliens out there, who will be calling us aliens on the other hand) that possess and are capable of expressing a bunch of feelings and actually being able to do something with it everyday.

The greatest innovations, technology, and development going on since the beginning of all this livelihood on this tiny planet in the universe. The driving force behind all this happens to be the human race itself. We were able to learn everything from scratch, impart that wisdom, and try and invent even more on our own. The fact that midst all kinds of deadly diseases and tragic accidents we were able to find their remedy and treat the ill and injured is a wonder. And most importantly, we were able to enhance our intellect to such a great level where we are actually able to observe, study and got the chance to find an enormous amount of information regarding this gigantic universe and everything within it. Yes, the not-so-gigantic human race did it.

Above all, the sole living things that have privilege to understand what they feel every now and then and the ones who could actually understand what love is, what hatred is, what sorrow is, what happiness is, are the human beings itself. We made life possible in this planet with the awareness of these emotions ourselves. Otherwise we wouldn’t have come this far with our existence, I guess. Without these emotions of love and harmony we would have turned against each other and destroyed everything. It’s not that we are not turning against each other at all now, but we are capable of thinking otherwise and stop ourselves most of the time. We are the ones who can do greater services and sacrifices to any kind of life residing here, we are the ones who have ability to decide what’s right or wrong, we are the ones who can love unconditionally another being and live happily with them until death. There exists people among us who causes harm and horror in other’s lives.

So if the problems, whatever be it, that we have regarding these emotions of wanting more love or trying to stop ourselves from harming others or at the worst of trying to hurt oneself, if someone calls that insignificant and meaningless, I won’t be able to understand it now. Everything that underlies this reality that is not possible anywhere other than the Earth in this universe, the one that we are witnessing now, is mostly build upon these emotions and the environment of sustainability that we are provided with luckily. And I would like to believe that my existence, my emotions and the way I feel about everything can cause a major difference in ones life. Also, the problems that each one of us face in our day-to-day life is significant as we gets to decide on how to cope up with those and choose either to be the villain in other’s lives or be the bigger person both for ourselves and for our loved ones.



Swetha Gopinath

Freelance writer | The one with lots of stories, musings and thoughts to share.