The Unpleasant Truth about the Security Situation in the World

The use of the adjective unpleasant in the headline is a euphemism. Unpleasant is too weak a word to express the truth about the situation: The catastrophic, tragic, overwhelming and totally devastating truth is that the way the world and governance systems in many countries are rigged is catastrophically ill-suited to prevent major wars and wars where nuclear weapons are used .

Øivind H. Solheim - the Novel Author
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2022


Apartment block in Ukrainian city hit by rocket Mar 3, 2022. Photo: NRK

There is something completely wrong in the world when a single man can gain so much power that he can start a war that kills thousands of people and chases millions fleeing their homes. It is absurd that one man can concentrate so much power in his person that he might throw the people of the world off the bottomless precipice that a third world war would be.

It is deeply tragic and completely unnecessary for hundreds of millions of people to be at the mercy of a single man’s thoughts of his own greatness, his hatred, sick whims and impulse actions that can have incalculable, catastrophic consequences for the whole world.



Øivind H. Solheim - the Novel Author

New novel: The Man Who Stopped Aging, Amazon Kindle. Love story & intellectual investigation: Can we extend human life to 100 or 110?