The Untold Secrets of A Successful Small Business Owners

Jessica Kiev
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2020


Powerful tips are never shared because they seem too trivial.

Photo by Caio from Pexels

My father has been running a small business in the town for 20+ years. When I was a child, I used to help my father in the store, we are selling building materials. Our store is just a one-door store, occupying only about 80-meter square. But that store has been supporting my family’s life until today. That store has allowed me to have a family vacation abroad at least once a year, paid for me and my sister’s university tuition fees, etc.

I have seen thousands of 80-meter square stores, but many are not doing as well as ours, so what’s the secret?

During those years when I helped my parents, there are a few unspoken habits in handling the customers. Those habits are unspoken because they seem too trivial, only taught by experiences.

1. Strict Schedule

Many people think that one of the benefits of owning your own business is flexible working time, is it true? Yes and no. Why?

Yes, because obviously, you are your boss, so you can do whatever it is, especially when something urgent comes up.

No, because when you own your business, it is very important to create a habit so that customers know when to find you. Ours is a building…

