The Unyielding Flame of Love

Steven Ramkissoon
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2023

A Noble Symphony of Devotion, Reborn from the Ashes of Life’s Disarray

Photo by Poppy Thomas Hill:

From the very moment we encountered,
My emotions for you began to bloom,
Each day, my passion for you flourished,
A love unyielding, set in stone.

My affection for you, a steadfast flame,
Growing stronger, with each passing day,
As we journey through life, together we remain,
Our devotion, a haven from life’s disarray.

Our love, a phoenix, reborn from the ashes,
A bond that nothing can ever sever,
My love for you, a treasure that forever bashes,
Against the tide, steadfast and clever.

My feelings for you, a noble symphony,
A melody that echoes from within,
True and pure, as deep as the sea,
My devotion to you, a righteous win.

In my heart, your love, an eternal flame,
Illuminating every aspect of my life,
Our love, a bond that forever proclaims,
A sacred union, immune to all strife.

Our love, forever entwined,
A union that shall never sever,
Together, in heart and mind,
Our love, an eternal endeavor.

Photo by Poppy Thomas Hill from Pexels:



Steven Ramkissoon

I'm passionate about writing on modern society, guiding individuals towards self-improvement, and helping them reach their full potential.