The Urite Crystals of Oberon

Michael Alexander’s Journal

Eric Fermon™


Artwork Provided Courtesy of Author, All Rights Reserved

The Hijacking

Many have said that memories are fleeting, but this particular memory needs to stick around for awhile, or at least long enough to figure out if any value can be extracted from the mayhem and pain of it.

Maybe it’s all a bad dream and not a memory at all, but the excruciating pain I feel in my left leg says other. Maybe this is what death feels like, but why would this particularly painful memory be the only thing playing in my head right now if I were dead?

Meditation has always served me in times of uncertainty and now is apparently one of those times. Just relax and let the memory refresh itself again without the personal introspection or any questionable narration. Just let the memory waves rush over you and accept the pain and anxiety as if it were actually a bad dream that will eventually pass.

Memories of hijackers announcing themselves as mayhem broke loose on the Urite Crystal transport keep playing and repeating in my head like they were looped up. All I can do is let them play once again from the top and pray that these painful memories lead to something useful.

My mind falls back to the calm routine of reviewing the transport departure checklist with things going as planned. We were being…



Eric Fermon™

USAF Veteran, AT&T, Author of: How to Get Your Dream Car; Available at Barnes&Nobel, iBookstore,! Know Your Calling & Stay In Motion!