The Value of Consistency

3 steps that will create powerful results for your life.

Spencer Josephson


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Rome wasn’t built in a day. The great civilization of old took several generations to reach the peak of history that many know Rome for. The reason? Daily bricks, laid one at a time.

The pattern of consistency can be modeled for any lifestyle. It’s true that many famous individuals only had found recognition and acceptance after they died. While this shouldn’t deter you, this statement should provide reason to improve what you can control.

Your own results shouldn’t then matter on public opinion. Instead, it should be about the life you want to live. What life do you want to live? Let’s start with creating your vision.

1) Vision

Painting that mental picture is the first step to better life results. How do you want your life to look like? What do you want your daily schedule to be? When do you want this vision to happen? Write down as much as you can think of for your ideal life. Be generous because it’s for you. This vision could include a job, house, family, mastered skills, or hobbies to name a few.

Be consistent in looking back at your vision. Refocus and change it if you need to. The key here is having that visual for yourself. Build core values and principles to guide…



Spencer Josephson

HR Generalist in Healthcare. I write to provide insight in workplace behavior.