The Venerable Third World

A critical stock-taking of how civilized we are

Kannan Natesan


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Ah, the confounded war — the badge of lesser mortals, of which and whom we wouldn’t deign to speak, with the high air of our own flatulence — is here at our doorstep!

Please, let us not flatter ourselves.

We live in duality,
among two worlds, we choose one or the other or straddle both, the worlds of the

haves and have-nots
liberal and conservative
left and right
men and women
black and white
north and south
ruling and the oppressed

Peeing all over ourselves, heeding to baser instincts — territorial and carnal,
unable to shed the barbaric past whence we come. Oh, our modern inventions and our refined languages! With which we make up and polish our appearances…The more the outward sheen, the more the inner rot.

Please, let us not flatter ourselves — yet.

In a third world that we so love to contemn — lies our redemption!

A civilized world at that, where

