The villages of my eyes

a free-verse poetic rambling

Somsubhra Banerjee
Published in
1 min readMay 17, 2020


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

at the villages of my eyes,
comes a dream every night,
i try to touch it,
i try to feel it,
why it doesn’t respond,
isn’t it real?
well, a dream isn’t a dream,
when you see it.

ohh silly hands!
it meanders to caress the dreamy reality,
and the slumber vanishes,
a jolt wake my eyes up,
the half-complete dream,
stays put in the village of my eyes!

but why’re my eye pairs moist,
when i touch it,
i ask them the reason,
they say, chuck it,
who trusts dreams, anyways!

Thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, and all the editors at Illumination for sheltering a lot of my poems!



Somsubhra Banerjee

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.