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The Visualization Experiment — 31 Days of Manifesting My Dreams

Trying to think my way to success, 10 minutes at a time

Rob Rando
Published in
7 min readJun 1, 2020


I am inherently impressed with the capabilities of the mind. I’ve seen changes in myself when I started implementing habits such as meditation, journaling, and consistent goal setting.

Many individuals make a career of teaching others to be successful. The reason they can make a career in this field is because of people like me. Those that are hungry for progress and growth.

In April, I was curious about visualization practices. As someone who has been meditating regularly for years, I wondered if developing a practice in visualization could help me reach my goals faster.

The small amount of research I did on the topic showed several studies where visualization was successful. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find solid proof of visualization leading to success as touted in books like “The Secret”.

The Experiment.

Because I couldn’t find the exact study, I was looking for I decided to experiment. After all, some people swear by visualization. There is no other way to know if it would work for me without trying it out for myself…



Rob Rando

I write about finding your niche and the discovery process •Insights from experts & Lessons from experience