The Voice in the Marsh

A Short Story

Tessa Andrews


Photo by Hadley Jin on Unsplash

As I walk through the wetlands behind my parent’s cottage, I hear a voice whisper through the wind-blown willows.

I move through the trees, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound, but it’s always out of reach.

A slight feeling of dread washes over me, cautioning me to return to the safety of the house.

A stronger feeling of curiosity takes me further into the marsh, beyond the glow of the light.

Darkness swallows me as I follow the faint, eerie voice, my footsteps the only other noise.

My heart begins to beat in time with the melodic cadence of the whisper’s words.

“Follow me, down, down, down, into the most secret place never to be found.”

Rumors of ancient beasts fill my head, but I can’t turn away now.

Miles from home, I enter a glade bathed in moonlight and shadows.

A woman stands in front of me, long hair wildly untamed.

She smiles at me as I step into the glade.

“I’ve waited for you. What took you so long?”

She laughs evilly when I don’t answer, bewildered.

She motions me closer with her finger.

My legs move me hesitantly forward.

She wraps herself around me.

I am not afraid.

“Are you ready?”

“For what?”




Tessa Andrews

Just an amateur writer trying to make the most of my short time on earth.