The Waiting Line

A rhythmic free-verse inspired by a dull evening spent in social quarantine

Shalini C
1 min readJul 27, 2020


Photo by Aurélien Lemasson-Théobald on Unsplash

The evening impales on my window littered
in the effluvium of dull, deriding laughter
Derailing a wanton, wounded sky
in whispers warbling a breeze beguiled
by a plume of light gauzed in blimps
of ripe stars meshed with flickering whims
Whilst we stretch
dissolved in the day’s fleeting beauty
Sprawled like an aria’s symphony
Bedimmed sunset beneath our feet
Slaking the thirst of phantasms
to drench in dewy rain
Waiting on wispy dandelions
to bell the air once again.


Shalini is a thirty-something, aspiring writer and poet from the city of Mumbai, India. She’s an in-betweener and romanticist with an undying love for tea, bedtime stories and dark chocolate. She began experimenting with writing poetry towards the beginning of 2019 to find herself irrevocably in love with the art form.

She envisions herself as a published writer running a BnB with her husband in an Italian vineyard some day.



Shalini C

Poet, beauty-of-words seeker, cook, bookworm. Politically-correct chocolate muncher.