The Wake-Up Call I Needed

The One Piece of Underrated Advice That Will Change Your Life

Mirza Baig


Hourglass by Aron Visuals via Unsplash


Honestly, my biggest crux. If I was in an interview and somebody asked me what my biggest weakness is. It’s bloody tardiness. I can never seem to be on time.

I was born late, and I’ve been late ever since.

Until a recent performance review with one of my mentors woke me up.

It was a regular Monday. Busy with patient reviews and questions regarding the weird and wonderful because a weekend of no primary care service seems to throw the entire country off balance. During my lunch hour, I had a catch-up meeting scheduled with my mentor.

We have these regular catchups to ensure I meet the standards that I’ve set myself. Having somebody hold you accountable is so important on the journey to success. It was an expected meeting, so I wasn’t concerned.

We began the meeting. He was nice enough; as he always is, and he explained that he had a few things on the agenda he needed to go through. I won’t bore you with the other stuff, it’s irrelevant in this particular scenario.

However, we rather unexpectedly arrived at the following question, “you’re always late. What’s with that?”



Mirza Baig

Pharmacist by Trade. Writer by passion. Writing about Personal Development, Business, Health & Fitness and more..