Explore the difficulty of expressing mental health struggles to others.

The Weight of Silence


Umaima Irfan


photo from pinterest

In the caverns of my mind, silence reigns supreme,
A heavy shroud draped over whispered thoughts,
Where words falter and meanings dissipate,
And echoes reverberate in the emptiness.

Silence, a companion veiled in ambiguity,
Its presence, a weight upon my shoulders,
An invisible burden I carry, unseen but felt,
As I navigate the corridors of unspoken fears.

In the stillness, questions linger unanswered,
Unvoiced worries carve deep valleys of doubt,
Yearnings suffocate in the absence of sound,
Lost in the labyrinth of unshared emotions.

Yet silence speaks volumes in its restraint,
A language woven with threads of hesitation,
Where the spaces between words tell tales,
Of the struggles hidden beneath polite smiles.

I reach for words like fragile artifacts,
Seeking to excavate the buried truths within,
But they slip through trembling fingers,
Lost in the abyss of unspoken confessions.

The weight of silence is not easily borne,
It presses against the ribs, stifling breath,
Leaving the heart heavy with unarticulated burdens,
And the soul yearning for release into the air.

And so, in the quiet of solitude,
I listen to the symphony of unsaid things,
Hoping someday to find the courage,
To unravel the knots of silence,
And let the weight dissolve,
Into whispers of understanding.

This free verse poem delves into the profound impact of silence on the speaker’s internal landscape. It describes silence as a heavy presence, weighing down thoughts and emotions, and creating an atmosphere where unspoken fears and unshared truths linger. The poem explores the difficulty of expressing oneself amidst this silence, highlighting the struggle to find words and articulate buried emotions. It portrays silence not just as the absence of sound, but as a powerful force that stifles and burdens, leaving the speaker yearning for the courage to break free and communicate their inner turmoil. Ultimately, it reflects on the transformative potential of overcoming silence, allowing for the possibility of understanding and connection through shared vulnerability.

