The White Elephant

Shawn Ingram
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2021


Flash Fiction Challenge 100 — Day 40

Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

“So how about a cup of tea?” the man says.

“I think I’d prefer a beer!” she says.

The man looks surprised.

“Yes! Let’s get a beer! It’s so hot out today; a beer will taste great.”

“Mmm,” she says.

He drives to their favorite place, The White Elephant, he parks the car; they go in, and he is careful to open the door for her.

“Two coronas with limes, please,” she says.

“Bottle or tap?”

“Bottle,” they both say.

“Anything to eat?”

Neither of them says anything, and the server walks away after several seconds of silence.

“I forgot how much you like lime.”

“Did you not want it?”

“Hmm… oh, the lime? No, it’s fine. The lime is nice in the beer.

“Thank you,” he says to the server.

“Cheers,” she says to him.


They drink in silence for several minutes, carefully avoiding the other’s eyes.

“You know we could,” he says.



Shawn Ingram

Just a guy telling stories. One silver lining of the 2020 pandemic was I started writing!