The Wonderful Lightness

Of Nothing

Vee Goldman


Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

Nothing is on, nowhere to go
What have I done today, nothing to show

Am I just lazy, am I a slob?
Sat on the sofa a scruffy old blob

Days like today when there’s nothing to do
Can happen to anyone, both me and you

But is it a bad thing to have days like this?
The odd day of nothing I’m sure I would miss

And lazing about for the odd time or two
May just be enriching and may well help you

The world can be busy with no time to stare
And we can miss out on the beauty that’s there

And rest is important and something we need
So if you are tired just try to take heed

It’s telling you something and you should make sure
That you don’t get too stressed and worn out some more

And if you like a nap there is no wrong in that
Just lay down and rest and be more like your cat

So those days of nothing enjoy them and rest
A day of just lounging, not put to the test



Vee Goldman

Makes various jottings about life, the universe, and other stuff. Mother, Wife, Sheep Whisperer, and Free Spirit. For some reason has started writing poetry.