The World Around Me

Let’s talk about things that aren’t talked about

Shareen Aqueel
3 min readDec 21, 2023


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

The world around me is broken. It’s frustrating. It’s hopeless. Yes, if I had been writing this story a few years back, I wouldn’t have said the same thing. My words and my feelings would have been different. Better. I would have said something like, “The world around me is cheerful. It’s happy. It’s carefree. It’s joyful”, but here’s the plot twist. I’m not writing this in 2019. I’m writing this in 2023 when the world is dark and the times are unhappy. No one talks about it, though.

I won’t say for everyone, probably because I can’t, but these past few years haven’t been the most colorful. Especially after the Covid lockdown, it’s like, the world has lost its spark. I don’t care that no one is willing to talk about issues other than politics and their daily gossip sessions. I don’t care that people, most people don’t realize that there are more pressing concerns than deciding what to wear. I am gonna talk about it. I’m gonna scream about it. So that everyone can see. So that everyone can hear how…

How the world has lost its vibrant colors, trapping some in a prison. That level of hopelessness is little but it’s still there.

I will talk about how people don’t like to meet their loved ones anymore. How they don’t like it when a stranger touches them. I get the concept of “personal space” and “germs” but do we really have to turn into monsters who loathe touch and contact? Aren’t these little things what make us human? But of course, no one talks about it. I will, though.

I will talk about how people don’t care if someone is crying in front of them anymore. They just look the other way. And if asked, they justify it by saying, “They must need some space”. Oh c’mon, we just don’t want to get into all the formalities, and why someone is crying and if they are okay. We don’t even try to ask them if they need someone to talk to. If they don’t, believe me, they will tell you. It’s just that we don’t want to know. We don’t care enough. Why? Because we have our own problems to deal with. Really? That’s our excuse? Do you think people before us didn’t? As I said, we have turned into monsters. If we haven’t already, we are turning into them gradually.

I’ll talk about how we think anyone who’s sad, who is telling us about their break up or anything they are mourning about, we think they’re pretending. We act as if aching hearts don’t exist. We, for some unknown monster reason, think they want attention, they just want people to sympathize with them. The worst fact is that even if they are, if they are that desperate for attention, even if they want people to ask them if they are doing good, there must be something wrong. If not what they are telling you, then something they are not telling you. Maybe something even they don’t know is wrong with them. There must be something breaking them apart if that’s their way of seeking love care and kindness. Maybe it’s something big or maybe it’s not. We don’t wonder that though, do we? We just straight up go to conclusions. Some harsh ones.

Now, let’s face it. There are about a million little things that are leading our world to look like this, to feel like this; and there are even more than a million little things that are not talked about, but believe me, I will talk about them. I will talk about anything and everything that isn’t talked about. I will talk about them. If not in this blog then in the coming ones.



Shareen Aqueel

Avid reader with a knack for writing about food, books, movies & traveling.