The World Is a Window That Everyone Looks Through in Turn

Perspectives and Reflections on Life’s Passing Moments

Freud (art)
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Photo by Saketh on Unsplash

Close your eyes and imagine; The surrounding villages have fallen asleep, the whole world has withdrawn into their homes, curtains are drawn, and lights are slowly dimming. This is a remote mountain village, perhaps not even depicted on maps or navigation apps, a place forgotten and forsaken, where the paths, traces, and inhabitants have been lost and forgotten.

In such a place, where no one cares to venture, who would expect an army amidst all this darkness, in the chilling cold, awaiting the inhabitants of a village that only the Creator knows of?

Yet, we have grown accustomed to many voices, many calls, and have comforted our hearts with many faces. I know my words could go on endlessly, but we are troubled, adrift.

Is humanity aware of the overly emotional, superficial, and rushed life that exists?

Are we aware of the sanctity of life, of the future, of every moment? Especially of the fact that the present will never return?

I am a bit melancholic these days, and quite numb…

The lethargy of every second slipping from my grasp unintentionally weighs heavily upon me…

I find myself in a peculiar state again.

I don’t want to hurt, not a single atom.

I don’t want anyone to be sad because of me, I want to undo all my mistakes…

And most of all, I don’t want to get hurt.

I am in this moment of time.

I only possess the present.

Neither the past nor the future is within my control.

The scent of chamomile I brewed earlier has filled my room.

Isn’t this the best part of winter?

To warm our chilly hearts in a cozy room with fragrant winter teas.

The old, very old songs I often listen to took me centuries back.

In these days when I try to explore the lives of ancient people, my mind is quite confused.

As I learn about the talents and manners of ancient people, I sense that something is amiss.

I feel that despite the passing centuries, things should not be this way. When I look around at the consumerism that I can hardly fathom, I feel it deep in my bones.

I think and I say, how can those people excel in both the fields of science, knowledge, and religion as well as in their professions?

I ask myself, what am I doing…

I am constantly living as a consumer, how can I live without producing anything significant?

Where are they, and where am I in this world?

While we cannot complete our education fully until the age of 25, and cannot become truly proficient in even one field, how can they become experts in at least ten to fifteen areas in their lifetime?

We must do something, my friends.

We must somehow develop ourselves… It is not the time to disregard the “time”, the tired, sleepless, depressed ones.

Lately, I am reading books on the concept of “Time”.

Inshallah, in my future writings, I will share with you the notes and thoughts I gather from books.

Let’s ask ourselves now!

Life is passing swiftly, where do I stand in life?

What have I accomplished so far, and in which unnecessary, futile matters have I been entangled?

And ultimately, my friends, in these times, the greatest virtue is to carry gentle hearts.

The world was a window, those in turn looked and passed by.

