The World Is Burning. Get Off Your Asana

We need healing, not a $150 pair of pants.

Beth Bradford, Ph.D.


I confess I’ve been complicit as well. When I worked at a yoga studio, I would try to come up with cool pictures of myself in yoga poses to advertise for my classes. I don’t know why I thought this pose would somehow lure people in, but I used it nonetheless.

My cheesy attempt to “sell” yoga

What the pose above doesn’t reveal is how long it took for me to get that picture. I had to drive down to Tampa, find a place to park along the causeway, blow up my SUP, paddle to the middle of the waterway, drop anchor, turn on my GoPro, bust the pose itself, then come back, deflate my SUP, drive home, transfer my pics to my computer, fix the picture just a little bit, then try to find a catchy caption to accompany my cool picture while also tagging brands for potential sponsorship.

This is not yoga.

I admit, I’m sometimes envious of other people’s photos. However, knowing how long it takes to get these photos takes the “insta” out of Instagram. Rather than taking a photo to capture a moment, we create fake moments to capture the moment. Then we wonder why we can’t find time to read a book.

Meanwhile, the world is burning. Literally, our warming planet is thawing the permafrost in the Arctic and the global mean sea level has risen 3 inches since



Beth Bradford, Ph.D.

Former TV person, college professor and media researcher. Ironman triathlete, meditation teacher and yoga instructor.