The World of Medium Tags

Tags are the future. What’s good about that is ...

Russell Lim


It’s been said before, but the current Medium topic list is a little strange. You can follow “Self-Driving Cars” but not “Cars”. You can follow “San Francisco” but not your home city or country. Yes, it’s weird. But let’s not dwell on it.

The sun is setting on the topic system and rising over the world of tags. ☀️

This month we’re rolling out additional functionality that will allow readers to follow Medium tag pages, which will exponentially expand the number of followable topics.
Tatiana Colligan, Product Manager @ Medium (source)

As a writer, you can tag your story however you like. According to Tatiana, there have been over 7 million unique tags used so far!

Last week I wrote an article about the Svelte JavaScript framework. Here is a screenshot of the “Svelte” tag page ( Notice the list of “related topics” on the right-hand side.

Of course, not all of these “related topics” made the list of 103 official Medium topics. They are the most common tags that appear alongside the “Svelte” tag.



Russell Lim

I teach high school mathematics in Melbourne, Australia. I like thinking about interesting problems and learning new things.