29# Grind’n’Hustle

The World Where Strangers Say “How Do You Do?” Is Gone

I swear to God it is Demonic

Ikada Mario


Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash

The reason why this is so triggering is because this so hard-selling through every corner of Social Media by kids that don’t even have a single touch of real life. Also, the built-in rebuttal of that statement is always the demeaning, degrading, confidence-killing, out-of-touch words I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

They’d be like;

  • “I'm going to make my first million dollars by working at my dad’s company!”
  • “I don’t think 20 million dollars is enough for today’s society”
  • “80 million dollars for a jet is not that expensive”
  • “You are poor because you choose to be poor!”
  • “You fail as a man if you don’t buy Lamborgini!”
  • “I woke up at 4 am, went to the gym, and meditated that’s why I'm rich”
  • “Get your first million dollars which is super easy to do!”
  • “Buy 10 rental houses before you ‘re 30 years old, that’s passive income!”
  • “If you’re rich, FEMALE would understand why you yanking your dicks all over the continent”
  • “The BEST way people can respect you is when they compliment you in a suit”
  • “Sleep only 3 hours a day and grind if you want to be rich!”
  • “Surrounded by brothers that have same vision, creating a bond with them will always help your path to getting rich!”

Tail of Levitating People

I just can’t figure out how and where they’ve been living for the past 15 years?!

I mean it’s obvious that we need to touch the grass before we even open our mouths and start yapping around.

First of all, no matter what kind of brotherhood they trying to teach us, it is just a bunch of virgin brainless dudes with no guts whatsoever even for simply open conversation with a lady.

It is just a facade of being rich sold by people who want to stay rich without telling any shit about how to become rich. It’s never about linear progress step by step or this after that.

It’s always about the pilgrim of putting people down if they somehow cannot manage their own way to how to make money as they “instructed.”

I’m so pissed... wtf.

Internet Money-Making Cult

I think it's possible to create money online but I guess it will be not easy at all. I also think this physical body cannot be paused for our natural needs such as food and mental health.

When those c#nts say this was super easy I guess at the very least they already grew and raised in first-world countries with a Thanksgiving new sweater every year.

With the mindset that the Toyota Camry or Honda Civic was a mediocre car or even a budget car. They never sit with a legal immigrant with a “legal paper struggle” on their way to a first-world country.


So many restrictions in third-world countries. Some of them cannot even receive money from YouTube, and you talk about dropshipping or affiliate marketing.


At this stage, we cannot even consider this as a scam anymore. This straight new kind of religion. Religion based on Greed and pride. It is not a form of help any more, it is simply creating a cult.

. . .

I get the sentiment okay! I get it. The world is changing, no one can we trust, everybody scammer, girls doing OnlyFans, and the only way to live your life is to be independent. I get it okay.

But you are really out of reality, by generalizing all females in first-world countries are whore and “in brotherhood we trust.” You just mirroring those people that you despise the most. I swear to God you are in the same coin with those fanatic feminists.

Why we can't appreciate people who keep this world spinning?

Because the peak and pinnacle of our brain were brainwashed into one category of success — which is money. The wisdom of our ancestor, the old saying, and their prayer were clouded with our version of justice.

We are obligated to brag about our success and are triggered when other people show the facts of reality. We often cut the conversation by putting people down and choosing the facade that comforts us.

The world where strangers say “How do you do?” is gone. Think about it,

  • Do you really want to live in a world where people use one standard of living?
  • Where is the notion of religion used only for justification?
  • Where the comfort of fate lies only at Banks?

I need money man. I need money to survive and for my mother's survival too. She is deeply ill and I desperately need money and guess what?! I have tried the Internet Guru’s suggestion and still won’t work in developing countries for the prohibition reason.

Now I have to start all over again in Australia, do you think I can just sit around figuring my life through the laptop’s keyboard?

Fuck NO!

I have to clean somebody’s toilet, clear the road, clean the plates at the restaurant, and still pay my education money to get a real sustainable job and to prolong my visa.

Do you think I’m dumb for that?

And FYI, I still owe money for this “Australia happy trip!”

I spent a lot of time in the bottom, in the street, and none of these boys acted like a boy anymore. It's just a bunch of pranksters, wanna-be-rich people and shit-talkers.

Sadly, The world where strangers say “How do you do?” is gone.

One of my best friends here committed suicide. I’m all alone now.

I need help, and I want to scream about it, but it is for what it is.

May Jesus always be on my side.


