The Worst Day From My Trip To New York

Sharing Some Fun Memories

Cecilia Carcamo
4 min readFeb 21, 2024


Photo by Antoine Da cunha on Unsplash

Oh, New York, probably the place that most people want to visit at least once in their lives.

I mean who wouldn’t want to go, you have the Broadway shows, Central Park, and the probability of even encountering celebrities.

This is all I thought when my father told me we were going to New York to visit a cousin of his.

I was gonna visit The Big Apple for the first time in my life. All the moments I saw a movie/TV show take place in New York and show how beautiful it was just crossed my mind.

I remember just being so excited to not go to a new place, but one of the most popular places of all time. This experience would be unforgettable.

One of those days specially would be the most unforgettable one

The Arrival

Before we go to the least fun day, I want to talk about arriving in New York for the first time.

It was awesome, I arrived at night so I could see the city lights which were really pretty.

The bad thing came from coming out of the airport. I went during November, so it was rather cold and I don’t like the cold. I get cold really easily and no matter how much stuff I wore some part of me was still cold.

Apart from that, my dad’s cousin’s house was rather small because it was only for three people and my family was composed of 4 people, so in total 7 people lived in that house for at least a week.

It wasn’t something horrible but I still felt bad for bothering them.

During those first days, I learned to use the subways and riding them was really fun. The only negative was that upon leaving the station I was shivering from the cold.

The Worst Day

We all have those bad days when we travel, and I want to talk about mine. I want to mention that just because it was the worst day of my trip does not mean I did not have fun during it and I am sure many people had a way worse worst day trip than the one I will talk about.

Let’s cut to the chase and continue.

It all started pretty normally, me and my family were getting ready to head out when the son of my dad’s cousin approached me. He was rather energetic, so I thought he just wanted to play.

Before I knew it he ran towards me and bit me in the leg. Out of all the things I was expecting, being bitten was not one of them.

When his mom took a look at what he was doing and saw he was stuck in my leg still biting me she started scolding him while he ran away with the biggest smile.

After that me and my family decided to explore the city by going to Central Park.

No matter how pretty it looked on the screen, Central Park was way prettier in real life. While I don’t like to walk much and it was cold, walking around Central Park was well worth it.

After a while we all went to a food stall to eat, I saw they had corn dogs on the menu.

I never had a corndog in my life so I thought it would be a good idea to try one.

I hated it

I didn’t know the batter was sweet, I don’t really like it when sweet and salty mix. There are very few things that bother me but ordering something I don’t end up liking is one of them.

After a light scolding from my dad for not eating what I ordered he offered me to share his burger and I felt happy.

After some time my mother and aunt decided to separate to check out some stores while me and my dad went to check out Times Square.

It was definitely a pretty but very busy place. After seeing the giant screens and all the people walking around, my dad decided to go to Broadway and check out the shows.

A bad idea if you want to go without planning the thing, while I really wanted to experience a Broadway show, I saw how expensive the tickets were and there was limited space so my dad and I decided to go back.

We took the subway and my dad decided to take a bus.

We waited for that bus about 1.5 hours

I was tired, hungry, and cold and every time a bus appeared it wasn’t the one we needed to ride.

It was nigh time already and things couldn’t be worse until they were.

It started to rain and the wind was blowing really strongly. At that point, my dad and I said f**ck it and decided to run towards the house.

We were running in the cold rain and wind and after what felt like an eternity which was actually like 15 minutes give or take we arrived.

You’re telling me we waited more than an hour for a bus when we could’ve just ran towards the house.

The worst part was that the door was locked, after a little while of waiting outside my mom and aunt appeared with my dad’s cousin.

When we finally entered I took my drenched and cold clothes off to put on a cozy pj set. I just stayed in a blanket until it was dinner time.

If there is something I hope you took out of this story is to see the weather report during the day to not be stuck waiting for a bus. Also planning stuff is important because I don’t think I will go back to New York during cold weather.



Cecilia Carcamo

Just a colledge student who want to practice her writing. Expect to read about various stories and some tips for random things. Hope you like my articles