Feel Fatigue in the Afternoon? Try this Simple Yawn Method

Neo Young
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2024

First, picture this: it’s the middle of the day, the sun is still shining bright, and you’ve got a crucial task ahead — maybe it’s a nerve-wracking exam, a high-stakes presentation, or an important meeting that could shape the course of your week. But there’s a problem: you’ve just had lunch, and suddenly, the dreaded afternoon slump hits you like a ton of bricks. Your energy levels plummet, your eyelids start to droop, and the mere thought of tackling your responsibilities feels overwhelming. Sound familiar?

The Secret Weapon: Yawning

I’m about to let you in on a little secret — a trick that’s so simple, yet so effective, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been using it all along. It involves harnessing the power of the yawn — a humble, underrated bodily function that has the potential to work wonders when it comes to boosting your energy levels and sharpening your focus.

Photo by Sander Sammy at Unplash

So, here’s how it goes down: when you feel that familiar wave of fatigue washing over you, find yourself a cozy spot to lie down — a couch, a bed, heck, even the floor if you’re feeling adventurous. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and start by tensing up your muscles — stretching your arms and legs as far as they’ll go, and then slowly releasing the tension. Repeat this a few times, just to get the blood flowing and wake your body up.

How to Enter the Yawn Zone?

I’m not talking about those half-hearted, involuntary yawns that sneak up on you when you least expect them. No, I’m talking about full-on, intentional yawning — the kind where you open your mouth wide and really stretch those jaw muscles. If you’re having trouble getting started, don’t worry — just keep your mouth open and wait. Trust me, it’ll come.

Before you realize it, one yawn will lead to another, and another, until you’re caught in a yawning frenzy that seems to have a life of its own. And here’s where the magic happens: as you yawn your way through this strange and wonderful journey, you’ll find yourself slipping into a state of heightened awareness — a sort of waking dream where random memories and images flit through your mind like scenes from a movie. You won’t be asleep, but you won’t be fully awake either. It’s like being in that blissful, hazy state between consciousness and sleep, where time seems to stand still and the world fades away.

After about fifteen minutes of this yawning-induced reverie, you’ll slowly start to come back to reality, feeling more awake and alert than you have in hours. Your mind will be clear, your focus sharp, and that overwhelming sense of fatigue will be nothing but a distant memory. It’s like hitting the reset button on your brain, giving yourself a much-needed energy boost without resorting to caffeine or sugar-laden snacks.

My Experience

I’ve been using this method for over three years, and let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer. I’ve recommended it to countless friends, colleagues, and even unsuspecting strangers at the coffee shop. But I’ll be honest with you — it doesn’t always go according to plan. Sometimes, in the midst of all that yawning and stretching, people have been known to actually fall asleep. They start off with the best intentions, ready to conquer the afternoon slump, and the next thing they know, they’re waking up three hours later, drooling on their pillow. It’s like a comedy of errors, but hey, that’s just part of the fun.

A Word of Caution: Set Your Alarms!

So, here’s my advice: the first time you try this technique, make sure to set an alarm. Trust me, you don’t want to be that person who wakes up three hours later, disoriented and wondering what year it is. Set a timer, a reminder, a wake-up call — whatever you need to do to ensure that you don’t sleep through your entire afternoon. Once you’ve got that sorted, you’re free to yawn your way to victory, one blissful afternoon at a time.

Final words: Embrace the Yawn

Lastly, here’s the bullet list outlining the key steps for the yawn method:

  • Find a comfortable spot to lie down.
  • Close your eyes and take deep breaths to relax.
  • Tense your muscles by stretching your arms and legs.
  • Intentionally yawn, stretching your jaw muscles. If needed, keep your mouth open and wait for the yawn to come naturally.
  • Allow one yawn to lead to another in a natural flow.
  • Remain relaxed and let your mind wander as you yawn.
  • After about fifteen minutes, slowly return to reality feeling refreshed.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling to stay awake during those long, dreary afternoons, instead of reaching for another cup of coffee or energy drink, give this simple yawn method a try and experience the transformative power it holds.

Have you attempted it before, or do you have other energy-boosting tricks up your sleeve? Share your thoughts, experiences, and any questions you might have in the comments!



Neo Young

I find joy in expressing myself and connecting with you through my writing.