The Zero Cost Game Plan: This Is How You SkyRocket Your Wealth

Better late than never

Tser Dennis


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Imagine that there are two friends from different backgrounds, Alex and Jordan.

Alex grew up wealthy, while Jordan came from a modest background.

As they both try to build wealth, Alex finds it more accessible because of their family’s money.

Opportunities came more efficiently, and investments paid off without much struggle.

Jordan, starting with less, had a more challenging time.

He had to work harder, take more risks, and be very careful with money.

Starting from scratch and taking every step towards saving money and investing it wisely can take more work for Jordan.

Getting access is not fair for all, but opportunities are open to all

Alex and Jordan wanted to succeed financially.

Alex used their advantage to find bigger chances, while Jordan worked harder.

In the end, Alex had it more accessible, but both learned that anyone can build wealth with effort and intelligent choices.

As many millionaires say, growing and expanding wealth is often easier than achieving the first…



Tser Dennis

Career Coach ▫️ Christian Author ▫️ 8x Top Writer ▫️ 850+ Medium Articles