Motivation & Psychology

Would the Olympics Exist Without Gold Medals?

How to move away from external rewards and build an internally motivated human.

Emilio Ortiz
Published in
10 min readApr 30, 2020


Have you ever questioned what thoughts are racing through the head of an elite performing athlete before an Olympic showdown, a Superbowl, or a game 7 NBA final?

I picture it going something like this.

The fastest runner of our time, Usain Bolt, gently laces up his Puma Ignite shoes. He splashes cold water on his face and begins his pre-game routine of meditation and breathing exercises. Leaving the locker room, he makes a kissing gesture while looking up, and asks for a blessing from a higher power.

BANG. The shot is fired.

The scene looks like a wild hunt chase in the savannah’s of the Serengeti as if a lion is voraciously chasing a young antelope. Activating all their adrenaline reserves, the runners act as a large herd of antelope facing a life or death moment.

Except, what are they running from? There’s no vicious predator. Their body is questioning, “relax…where are we even going?”, but their mind guides them to push harder.

Bolt races past his competitors with easy, long strides (it must be the shoes). After he…



Emilio Ortiz

On a mission to bridge the new consciousness by empowering, uplifting, and shaping the next generation of leaders.