Theodore Roosevelt is More Relevant Today Than Ever

Why this president had it right

Avia Sky


Photo by Naomi August on Unsplash

I open up Instagram, scroll for a few minutes and immediately feel my energy drain and my mood become somber. I can’t help but compare myself to everyone on my feed. I think to myself: why don’t I have the perfect relationship, career, family, adventures, clothing, body etc. This is not healthy behavior — and we’ve all heard this before.

Take a moment to think about who you follow on social media.

Were you born at the same place, same time and into the same family as everyone you follow? Did you grow up in the exact same environment? Do you have the same genetics, looks and talents? Have you had the same life experiences?

Obviously the answer is no — so why do you keep comparing yourself to those people?

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

The 27th President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt, once said “comparison is the thief of joy.” These powerful words remain relevant over a century later. He said these words before the internet, social media, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and face filters existed.



Avia Sky

My writing is about looking at the positives & finding the light in darkness. I hope my unique story inspires & informs! Entrepreneur & Photographer