There Are Diamonds All Around You

Using your environment to inspire creativity

Lauro Medina Jr.
5 min readFeb 15, 2023


A picture of two diamonds surrounded by smaller crystals.
Photo by Bas van den Eijkhof on Unsplash

The more you acknowledge that life is content, full of surprises at every turn, sparking fresh ideas and allowing your creativity to take off, the more straightforward it will become to create content without contributing exertion or profoundly thinking about it. Content will fall into your lap as if discovering priceless diamonds at your disposal at every turn since you’re on auto-pilot as you approach your day — involving each event as the writing motivation.

Creativity is what we all, as humans, experience in one way or another. What we create typically involves content and diverse characters that bring us a story, otherwise known as ‘our life.’ If it weren’t for our imagination and ability to generate demand, our species wouldn’t be where it stands today.

What you create, the artwork you paint, and the stories you tell follow in your footsteps, so it’s just as important to embrace unexpected inspiration and spontaneity as it is to be equipped with a set of tools at hand and know what to do with them. What better way to kickstart an idea than looking around your environment and taking in the surroundings? A quick walk can inspire new creative ideas, and your imagination can take off.

Once you acknowledge that you can find most of life’s contents at every turn, your creativity will be able to take off. They’re only natural because you allow yourself to produce content without putting in much effort or thinking profoundly about it.

Having written life content at the age of 8 and writing martial art philosophical content for over 20 years, I have had the opportunity to see how content creation adapts to ever-changing social media trends and the evolution of today’s talented writers. While everyone is familiar with the concept of producing blog articles and SEO-friendly content, most people need to pay attention to the fact that there are many ways of using content to its full potential, which I call creative writing style.

Content creation is an art. While it takes time and patience, generating high-quality content is not a feat for the weak-willed or faint-hearted.

Be you a blogger, essayist, freelance writer, or copywriter, there are lots of occasions when you have to work hard at creating something from scratch. It can be a complex practice, something which you cannot master until you make lots of mistakes and develop your talent for it.

  • How do you use your environment to inspire creativity and produce better content than the rest?

Here are a few tips from my experience of helping people write their first book. If you’re interested in writing and self-publishing an eBook or any other form of content, this article will be a great start.

1. Engage mindfully in your conversations and pay close attention to critical takeaways

We’ve all heard the phrase “think outside of the box” at least a dozen times in our lives, but have you ever stopped to think about what it means? Put; it’s a reminder to get out of your comfort zone and let go of your preconceived notions about what is possible. It’s challenging to rethink your worldview and approach problems from unusual angles. But as people, we have an inherent ability to manipulate our environment to learn more effectively. The key is to engage mindfully in conversations with people and pay close attention to specific takeaways.

2. Allow for your senses to be acute with your daily experiences

Life can be filled with stress, worries, and overwhelming emotions. We often feel like there isn’t enough time in our day to slow down and allow for moments of quiet reflection. This thought process can often become heightened by the inability to immediately release what is on our minds. Rather than attempting to remove this information from our mind through a distraction such as television, the internet, or other distracting mediums — why not use our senses to reflect?

One of the most effective exercises to improve your writing is taking your senses out for a walk. Allowing yourself to experience life with all your reasons will ensure that you use this method in simple writing techniques.

3. Attain inspiration from content creators, bloggers, authors

In every environment, there is endless creativity. Surrounded by people who are motivated to produce work. It’s this content — whether on Twitter, articles, books, or blog posts — that we can use as inspiration to create our ideas. They can be a great way to learn from your peers or from those whose style you may have admired.

As a writer, getting discouraged is easy when you need help to think of something to write next. I’ll be honest: I was extremely self-conscious when I started writing. I have worked on my book The Methods of Discovering your Purpose for over seven years. I’d written articles here and there, but I wanted to be a published author, and I wanted it now! Inspiration can become an Ahah moment or one that can be a gradual injection of information that is processed and slowly igniting new thoughts and ideas.

Inspiration is an essential part of writing and content creation. Every creative project you have will likely have some moments when all sorts of stuff float into your mind, and this can cause an issue with how much you can write on a given topic. Due to this, planning your content creation becomes essential. Set aside time and place to meet your ideas and thoughts with clarity and engage in quality content composition from a mindful place. The greatest inspiration is one that resonates with you and your soul.


The foundation of inspiration is built upon where you live, what you surround yourself with, and the activities you participate in daily. It should not go unnoticed when thinking about your writing. Your environment is your life, so why shouldn’t it influence your writing?

So get out there and be inspired by your surroundings, engage in a conversation with intention and mindfulness, and allow your senses to guide you to the best writing material you’ve ever written.

For the authors:

If this article spoke to your calling and mindful path, please show your support and clap in unison, understanding that we are all working together to impact and change people’s lives locally and globally. In our community on the Medium platform, our calling is to join together and encourage one another to produce compelling content on behalf of everyone who sets their eyes on reading our works, not just for our personal growth and financial gain.

I appreciate it.



Lauro Medina Jr.

Lauro Medina,Ph.D, is a Kung Fu & Qigong Hall of Famer/Professional Life Coach/NLP Master Practitioner/Passionate Writer/Up and Coming Author/