There Are only Two Types of Writers

Which one are you ?



Image by Annalise Batista from Pixabay

I am not here to judge, but the truth is there are only two types of writers in the world. One is prostitutes, and the other is their clients.
Which one are you ?


They write for their readers. This seems to be the mantra to be a financially-successful writer. There are many blog and social media posts, as well as academics suggesting that in order to gain followers they need to give readers what they want. They buy your book because they like your writing. It’s natural for a writer to write in a way his or her readers and potential readers like.

So, what do the readers like ? They like to be tickled and teased.
It’s like going to a strip club or browsing a Playboy magazine. The writers may try to grab readers’ attention by using irresistible titles and plenty of buzzwords. The readers are easily teased with topics such as success, well-being, and money as well as magic and vampires.

As long as you have these ingredients, the reader will at least take the book from a shelf and browse (or click if digital).

However, in order for the readers to keep reading until the last page, the writers need to make sure to keep them engaged and entertained. The writers…




Caspar is a philosopher, poet, writer, traveler, who reveals the meaning of life through his writing.