There Are Two Types Of Consumers, Which One Are You?

Liza Blue
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2020


Active vs Passive Consumption

Photo by Ludovic Toinel on Unsplash

It’s 2 am.

I’m sitting in my bed with my phone in hand. My eyes are glued to the YouTube video that is playing on the brightly lit screen.

I’ve been watching for hours on end and I feel like a sloth. I have been mindlessly scrolling through the videos, without thinking of anything.

My brain is numb and has turned into mush. I haven’t retained any information from the videos that I’ve watched. I feel brain dead.

You may be wondering why I am telling you this. After all, everyone has been in this situation before.

Well, this was a prime example of passively consuming content on the internet.

Likewise, there is also an active consumption of different media online, and knowing the difference between passive and active consumption can boost your productivity by making you more intentional with what you consume.

What is Passive Consumption?

This is a mindless consumption of media. There is no intention of what types of content you want to watch, as you are not seeking out any specific information.

It’s an endless scrolling through different content which prevents you from retaining any…



Liza Blue

Articles for lovers of personal growth, finance, and storytelling. YouTube Channel: