There Is a Market for Bad Coffee, Burned Toast, and Cheap Tinned Baked Beans.

Just make sure you burn the toast every time.



Photo by sarah Richer on Unsplash

This is from a lesson my father taught me as a young budding entrepreneur. I used to sell my own homemade peanut butter cookies at school. I was 11. On realizing I wasn’t making the right margin, I took it upon myself to reduce the amount of peanut butter and switched from butter to margarine.

If I couldn’t make enough money, I wasn’t going to continue baking the cookies. That in itself is a good lesson to remember. Vanity projects do not pay the bills.

I had one or two complaints regarding quality when I arrived with the first revised batch. So I went to my dad after school and asked his advice. His reply was a life lesson that I have kept throughout my business life:-

Bad coffee and burned toast have a market. But if that is your market, never make good coffee or perfect toast. Because the moment you do, the customer will expect that as the standard.

I changed nothing. And carried on selling all my production. I learned the value of a captive market too.

It’s akin to understanding price points. The cheaper your product, the bigger your market, but equally the greater your competition. There are millions of…




Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.