CORE Psychology

There is more right with you than wrong

Harry Stefanakis


Re-arranging Resources for success

CORE Hypnosis book cover art — by Dr. Harry Stefanakis

Case Illustration: Overcoming Constipation

Jon Kabit Zin once wrote that as long as you are breathing there is more right with you than wrong. No matter the struggle, we possess resources that when brought forth can help us overcome internal and external challenges. I have offered various examples of this in my CORE Psychology articles.

There are ways in which resources can be re-arranged to facilitate change in even physical states and distress. With one client who experienced constipation on a regular basis (she had only had bowel movements once every three to five days over the previous ten years) the resourced quality supported a change in her physiological state.

Prior to beginning our work on this issue, I reinforced that the hypnotic intervention should be considered complementary to the medical and dietary advice she was receiving for this issue and not a replacement for medical treatment.

I then asked her to describe the feeling in her intestines. She noted that it felt like…



Harry Stefanakis

My writing looks to document the human experience and to use words to mend the fractures of life and move the reader towards life-affirming possibilities.